Saturday 29 November 2008

Rock Star Superstar

8. Los Angeles.

Pete and his band goes to Los Angeles for a record deal. they audition for a record deal. However, Pete and Kevin (the drummer) didn't get one and only the leader and the lead guitarists receives a record deal. Pete was frustrated about the fact that they rejected him only because of his young age. However, Kevin, gets really angry and loses control and starts crying and breaking things up.
Later Pete and Kevin return to portland without any record deal. Pete just faces the truth and gets over it and decides that he should start his own band. He realizes that all these experience he went through was an extraordinary event and felt that even though he didnt succeed at the end, because of all the great experience he went through, he thought it was worth it.
At the end, Pete decides to go out with Margaret again and lives a happy life.

Sunday 23 November 2008


Rock Star Superstar
7. Session

Pete breaks up with margaret and goes out with a popular girl in his school. Her name is Allison. He also devotes his whole life toward music and the Tiny Masters. They get a record deal for 4 weeks at portland and start becoming famous. Later they get a call from LA, for a tryout for a record deal. However, before they go, Pete breaks up with Allison because Allison gets angry at Pete for leaving her. Also, Pete cant get over Margaret and gets jealous about the fact that she has a boyfriend.
However, the biggest thing Pete's mind is going to LA and getting a record deal.